Nuestra misión es cerrar la brecha en el rendimiento de los jóvenes de 12 a 18 años de edad brindando capacitación individualizada (1/1) de preparación para la universidad / carrera, tutoría, tutoría y servicios de asesoramiento.
En CERT ^ PROS, nuestro objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes tradicionales y diversos a ganar habilidades de preparación universitaria y profesional eso permitirá a nuestros jóvenes la oportunidad de convertirse en carreras significativas.
La empresa fue fundada en 2016 por Cornell M. Barbain, Ed.S.
El Sr. Barbain ha enseñado y asesorado a jóvenes durante más de dos décadas. Estaba cansado de sentirse impotente a medida que más y más jóvenes continuaban abandonando la escuela a tasas alarmantes. En última instancia, sabía que si no se tomaban medidas, estos estudiantes continuarían careciendo de una seria capacitación profesional, académica y de habilidades sociales / emocionales.
Cornell Michael Barbain Ed.S
Certified Education Specialist
Special Education Support Specialist
Financial Services Consultant
National Insurance Producer
Real Estate Investor
Community Activist
Recommended New Teacher of the Year (LA)
Recommended New Teacher of the Year (TX)
New Teacher of the Quarter (GA)
Cornell was born New Orleans, LA and he's a HBCU graduate of Dillard University. He grew up in the 7th Ward (St. Bernard Housing Projects) less than a mile from his elementary school, middle school, high school and college. He has also lived and taught in several states across the U.S. and is known for being a savvy business professional that's very passionate about helping youths and families become financially literate. Cornell is a "BIG" believer in giving back to the community by hosting annual free financial literacy seminars and workshops for local schools, business groups, and civic organizations.
Cornell is a serial entrepreneur and seasoned educator currently holding several professional licenses, certifications, and degrees. He holds insurance licenses in several states and is a certified education specialist with over 20 years of combined teaching, management, and consulting experience. Shortly after graduating from D.U., he began his teaching career but later relocated to Minneapolis, MN and developed a serious passion for financial education working as a regional director of financial advice for Ameriprise Financial Services. In 2006, after hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans he moved back home to take care of his parents but later relocated to Dallas, TX rejoining the teaching profession. In 2017, while serving as an administrator he was able to create and implement several educational programs for students with diverse needs while serving as the Asst. Dean of Students for Harmony Public Schools.
In 2021, he decided to relocate to Houston, TX to be closer to his kids and combine all of his business affiliations together to create Barbain Enterprises. As a result, he was able to incorporate his (education, financial, legal, real estate, and personal care services) businesses under the umbrella of his corporation making sure that seniors, adults, and children are provided the resources to live a better quality of life.